Dive Safety at Island Ventures
We take the safety of or our guests seriously and ask that you abide by our dive safety policy. All passengers will be required to sign our Waiver.
Our adult SCUBA waiver.
If you have a minor diving with an adult this minor waiver will need to be completed for the minor. Minors may not dive unsupervised and need to be supervised by either a parent or PADI professional.
Reef Dives
All divers must be certified by a recognized SCUBA diving agency.
You will need to send us a email or txt copy of your certification prior to your arrival.
Divers will need to show evidence of a dive within the last 18 months. If you cannot we ask you to take our refresh courses or that you hire one of dive guides.
If you have not dove within the last 24 months you will need to take our refresh course.
Deep Dives
If you would like to dive on the deep artificial reefs of the Speigel Grove or Duane you will need to be at least certified to Advanced Open Water diver or have a deep dive speciality and show evidence of a deep dive (75ft +) in the last 12 months. If you cannot do this you will need to hire one of our guides for you dive.
We can also offer you a full Advanced Open Water course and include the Spiegel Grove as two of the five dives you need for the certification.
Single Divers
We welcome single divers on our dive trips but all divers have to have a dive buddy.
However our policy is not to pair off single divers with other unknown divers as we do not think this is a safe way to operate. Additionally we have found that neither diver is satisfied as dives are often compromised in ether dive length or different dive requirements. Some divers like to spend a long time taking a photograph whilst others want to explore as much of the reef as possible on the dive.
To ensure that you get the type of dive you want we ask that you hire one of our experienced private dive guides. Our guide will make sure you get a great dive doing the dive you want to do not the dive some body else wants todo!